Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up Reminders

This is a reminder to parents and guardians carpooling their children to school in the morning and afternoon. It is imperative that you stop at the stop sign to allow buses to enter the campus. When carpoolers are allowed on campus, please pull all the way down toward the field, allowing as many cars onto the campus as possible.

Please make sure students are exiting the car at the top of the hill from 7:30-7:50 am unless directed by staff to do otherwise.  Students should be getting out anywhere along the sidewalk in front of Northfield and not waiting until their car reaches the stop sign. Please also be aware that on rainy days traffic is significantly heavier.  Even on rainy days drop off is at the top of the hill until all buses are clear and staff wave cars into the lower lot.

If you are picking your child up early, we strongly encourage parents and guardians to not request an early dismissal after 2:15 pm, due to limited time for regular dismissal at 2:35 p.m.