DMS eNewsletter September 20, 2019

DMS Dragon Tales 9/20/19

DMS eNewsletter October 4, 2019 Dragon Tales


Interim reports will not be issued this year.

Parents and students will need to regularly check HCPSS Connect/Canvas in order to keep up with grades and attendance.

Claire’s Gourmet Fundraiser Kick-Off

Parents, friends and community members - get your sweet treats, pizzas, pretzels, and more for the upcoming holiday season. Support the DMS Claire’s Gourmet Fundraiser, the proceeds from which will be used to subsidize the cost of grade level field trips, curricular, and co-curricular activities. Fundraiser packets were sent home with students last week.

In the fundraiser packet, there is an information sheet outlining important details and dates regarding payment. We encourage buyers to use the online payment method. Go to to order your holiday goodies today! Our organization code is #8920. In addition, sellers register for a six-digit participation code. Instructions to register are also included in the information. Thank you for your support!

DMS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15, 2019 through October 15, 2019,

DMS will be recognizing the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the country’s

history, heritage and culture. Cultural artifacts and resources will be displayed in the media

center. In addition, there will be student-created presentations on the morning announcements

and engaging lessons in the classroom. DMS has embraced the theme “Hispanics: A History of

Serving Our Nation.”

Hispanic Heritage Month Staff Luncheon

Queridos padres de familia de Dunloggin Middle School,

Queremos celebrar por primera vez, nuestra Herencia Hispana con una comida para los maestros. Serà el lunes 7 de Octubre a las 2:00PM en la escuela. Si usted desea cooperar con aglún platillo tipico de su pais favor de llenar la hoja de abajo y regresarla lo antes possible.


Lety Jimenez

(410) 313-2831

Hispanic Heritage Luncheon Sign Up



If you need interpreting service in your home language for November parent/teacher

conferences, please contact Mr. Sung Kim at with your child’s

name, school, grade, and the language you need. All requests must be received by Monday,



Thank you!

Sung Kim
International Achievement Liaison
Dunloggin Middle School | Monday & Thursday | 410-313-2831 Ellicott Mills Middle School | Tuesday & Friday | 410-313-2839 Howard County Public School System

Physical Education News

Flag Football Intramurals for all students will begin on Tuesday October 15th. Flag Football is from 2:30-4:00 pm on October 15, 17, 22, 24, 28, and November 11th. Transportation is not provided, students must have a ride home or be able to walk/bike home at 4:00 pm. Permission slips can be found in the gym by the locker rooms.

Soccer Intramurals will start in November, see dates below...

  • 6th Grade Soccer: 11/7, 11/12, 11/14, 11/19, 11/21, 12/3.

  • 7th Grade Soccer: 12/5, 12/10, 12/12, 12/16, 12/17, 12/19

Thank you!

Michael Draminski


There is a correlation between regular daily attendance, being on time to school and classes, and academic achievement. We encourage our students to be in school and on time for classes on a daily basis.

Starting on Monday, September 23, 2019, we will be enforcing our attendance/lateness guidelines.

Tardy to Class:

  • First Offense: Student Conference, Sign Late Log, Warning

  • Second Offense: Mark in Synergy, Sign Late Log, Parent Contact

  • Third Offense: Mark in Synergy, MIR, Sign Late Log, Parent Contact (Detention


  • Fourth Offense: Mark in Synergy, Sign Late Log, Referral to Office (include specific

    previous tardy dates), Parent Contact, Detention

Fall MAP Testing

The fall administration of MAP testing will begin on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. All students in grades 6, 7, and 8, will take the MAP ELA and Math tests.

MATH: October 7, 8, 10
Please note the following students WILL NOT take MAP this year:

  • Algebra 1: 7th & 8th grade

  • Geometry: 8th Grade

  • English GT: 8th Grade

If you have any questions about MAP Testing, please contact Debra_O’

News from the Health Room

Flu vaccines are coming to our school! It's not too late to sign up online! Our flu vaccine clinic

at Dunloggin Middle School will be held on October 11, 2019 and you can go to to sign up before October 4. Please contact the health room at 410-313-

2836 with any questions, or if you are able to volunteer the morning of the clinic. Thank you

and here's to a healthy school year!

Free and Reduced Meals

Upcoming Events

  • October 7, 8, 10: MAP Testing - Math

  • October 9: Schools and Offices are Closed

  • October 11: Flu Clinic in the DMS Cafeteria

  • October 11: Wilde Lake HS Future Band Night Football Game at 5:30 p.m.

  • October 18: School Closed for Students – Professional Work Day

  • October 21: End of Sales for Fundraiser

    Community Messages:

    Mt. Hebron High School’s Homecoming - Saturday, October 19th!

    The day kicks off with a popular Pancake Breakfast, which is hosted by the Mt. Hebron Football Program. Tickets for this event will be $8 in advance during all lunch shifts (Friday Oct. 11th - Thursday October 17th between 10:15 and 12:15) and $10 at the door. The breakfast will take place in the cafeteria from 7:30am-10:30am. We will serve pancakes, sausage, donuts, fruit, coffee, juice and there will also be music and face painters! Once your belly is full you can march on over to St. John’s Lane and watch the parade at 11:00 am, then join us in the stadium for the football game against Centennial High School!

    If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the pancake breakfast in advance and cannot get to the lunch shifts, then please email Kellie Mason (

    Centennial High School’s Homecoming Carnival

Parents of students who qualify for Free and Reduced Meals must submit a new application every school year. Details on the HCPSS Free and Reduced Meals program are online, including how to apply. Click the link to find out more information: FARMS Application.

Centennial would like to invite its feeder schools to come to the Homecoming Carnival on

Saturday, September 28th from 11 AM to 1 PM. Here is the link to the flyer: CHS Homecoming


VIKING 5K Trail and Fun Run!

Viking 5K Trail and Fun Run – Sunday Oct 6, 9 a.m.
Hold the date and register early for the 27th Annual Viking 5K and Fun Run! Come out for lots of prizes and awards for age groups and Mt Hebron High School community categories (Alumni, Faculty, Parents and Students!). The course is fun and the same as last year, through the school, the neighborhood and trail. Early registration helps us prepare enough T-shirts for all registrants! For more details Please see the Viking Backers WWW

Joanne Gales

Viking Backers Recording Secretary


The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, in sponsorship with the Howard County Education

Association and the Restorative Justice Partnership, will be hosting a community conversation on

restorative justice. The event will take place on Monday, October 7 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in Rouse

Theater. Refreshments will be served from 6:00-6:30 p.m. Click here for more information.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 8:15am-1:00pm Howard High School
8700 Old Annapolis Rd
Ellicott City, MD 21043

The HCPSS Department of Special Education invites you to attend Empowering Parents as Partners: Working Together Through the IEP Process. This conference will benefit both seasoned parents and those new to the IEP process in advocating for their children and being active & informed members of the IEP team. The day will include:

  • Motivating keynote speech by Ananta Hejeebu

  • Special sessions available to support families of children birth-3 and 3-5

  • Sessions on the breakdown of each section of the Individualized Education Program

    (IEP), including what it will include, how parents can provide input, and questions to ask

    at your next IEP meeting

  • Poster Sessions to learn about HCPSS Special Education Services including post-

    secondary options, continuum of services, disproportionality, dyslexia, technology, SECAC and the Family Support & Resource Center

Registration and information tables open at 8:15am, the conference begins at 8:45am, and will end at 1:00pm. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch to this free workshop sponsored by HCPSS. To register, please visit
Childcare is available, but you must register by September 28 and select the childcare option. Registration closes September 28. Please call 410 313-7161 with questions.


October 13-20, 2019

Are you feeling alone and stressed raising your child with ADHD? Join us for free online sessions you can watch from the comfort of your home or office. There will be one session each day.

Topics include:

  • Changing the Game: A Parent’s Guide to Healthy Screen Use

  • Helping Parents Find Their Calm in Chaos

  • The Power of Parent Training

  • Connecting with Your Child in the Modern World

  • Eating for Focus: What to Avoid and What to Include

  • Tips on Managing Stress

  • Ten Ways to Stop Battles Over Homework & Build Confidence in School

For more information or to register for these free sessions, please visit


Wilde Lake Middle School
10481 Cross Fox Lane
Columbia, MD 21044 (in the cafeteria)

Anyone involved in Special Education in Howard County is invited to attend and participate in our meetings including parents, students, caregivers, educators, community partners, service providers and school administrators. We welcome your contribution and meaningful input. For more information contact or visit

Other meetings this school year will be:

November 13, December 11, 2019
January 8, February 12, March 11, April 15, May 13, June 10, 2020 All are held at Wilde Lake Middle School from 7-9:00pm.

HC DrugFree Updates

Free Parenting Classes for Parents/Guardians of 9-14 Year Olds: HC DrugFree and the Howard County State's Attorney's Office will once again provide the evidence-based series Guiding Good Choices for parents to gain skills and knowledge to reduce the risk that their children will use drugs. This 4-week series will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, October 22, 29 and November 5, 12 at Wilde Lake Middle School in Columbia. Parents are expected to attend all 4 sessions. To register, go

to or see attached flier. Free workbook included. If you have questions, email Joan Webb Scornaienchi, HC DrugFree’s Executive Director at or call 443-325-0040.

Community News and Programs

DMS parents and community members interested in having information, in the form of an announcement or flyer, published in the school newsletter or Community News Feed must submit a request through the Public Information Office for approval, at

Announcements may not be disseminated through students or schools without prior approval form the Public Information Office.

For other Community News visit our website