Yearbook and Picture Day

2020-2021 A Journey worth Remembering!

DMS Picture Day is Coming!

When: Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Where: Dunloggin Middle School

Order your school pictures today on using your Picture Day ID – EVTF3SJ38.

Please click on the link and sign-up for times to take your picture in-person at Dunloggin Middle School.


You must wear a protective face mask and comply with social distancing guidelines. Please wait in your car until it is your turn. We have scheduled 12 students every 15 minutes per camera (2 cameras/24 students per 15 minutes.

To purchase a yearbook online, go to ​Jostens YearbooksOrder by ​February 26​ to get the discounted price of $25.00!

The DMS Yearbook Staff really are working hard in making new pages every week, and We need your help. We are currently creating pages on

  1. Keeping Busy  (Links to an external site.)
  2. Outdoor  (Links to an external site.)
  3. Staying in shape  (Links to an external site.)
  4. Virtual class/Technology (Links to an external site.)
  5. Pets  (Links to an external site.)
  6. Baby pictures  (Links to an external site.)(for 8th-grade only) 
  7. Love Notes (Links to an external site.) (for 8th-grade only)
  8. Any other pictures you would like to include Please click on the link  (Links to an external site.)here 

We want to include you! Please click the links for each category/page above to upload pictures. Page descriptions can be found on each form. 

We are excited to feature YOU in the yearbook.  Thank you for helping us tell the story of the year!

DMS Yearbook Staff