The Count Down Begins...Two More Weeks!

The Count Down Begins! Two More Weeks! Welcome Back to School   
  • The Welcome Back Newsletter was mailed home on Friday, August 17; if you haven’t received your newsletter it can be found on our website under the “News” feed. You can access the newsletter by clicking the link: Back School Newsletter. The newsletter contains important information on where your child will report on the first day. 


  • From PTA: Dunloggin Middle School is looking for assistance in putting together the take home folders for students before school starts. Volunteers are needed on Friday, August 24th, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. A Sign-Up Genius has been created with available time slots. You can sign up using the following link: DMS Folder Signupgenius Sheet, middle school helpers are always welcomed. Please check-in with Anne Marie Frost when you arrive on Friday. The folders and materials are in the band room on tables. Anne Marie will provide further instructions.  Thank you for your support.  
Thanks, Beth Miller DMS PTA Vice President I  
  • Thank You! On Thursday, August 23rd, the PTA will host a welcome back breakfast for staff. The DMS Family would like to express our deepest gratitude to the PTA and our Dunloggin families for welcoming us!


  • Reminder: Please remember to update your contact information in Family File by logging into HCPSS Connect . This information must be updated annually even if you do not have any changes. You will still need to click through each screen and click submit at the end in order for your Family File to be considered complete. We’d like Dunloggin to be the first middle school to have 100% of the Family File information to be fully updated, so visit HCPSS Connect today and click submit on the final screen! If you are a parent new to HCPSS, you will receive a welcome email with instructions to activate your account. 


  • Parents/Guardians: Students in grades 6-12 have had restricted Office 365 email and G Suite accounts that only permit sending to and receiving from other HCPSS accounts.  Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, secondary students will have the ability to use their “” email account to send and receive email outside of HCPSS.  They will also have the ability to share items (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive) from their G Suite to outside HCPSS domains, or non-HCPSS accounts.   School librarians will include information and lessons about these changes during media orientation at the beginning of the school year.  Students will learn how to access the email account, share and send information safely to users outside HCPSS, and maintain password security.