Absences and Early Dismissals
When a student is absent, please either email our Student Services Secretary, Jill Hack at jill_hack@hcpss.org directly to report the absence, or turn in a written note to your child's homeroom teacher upon their return to school.
If a note is not received, the absence will remain documented as Truant. Please see the Secondary Student Handbook for more information.
What is the Difference Between Excused and Unexcused Absences?
Lawful Absence - An excused absence for any portion of the day under the following conditions:
- Illness of the student
- Death in the immediate family
- Court summons
- Observance of a religious holiday
- Hazardous weather conditions (as determined by the Superintendent)
- State emergency (as determined by the Governor)
- Suspension
- Lack of authorized transportation (school system transportation)
Unlawful Absence (Truant) - An unexcused absence for any reason other than those cited as lawful are presumed as unlawful and may constitute truancy. Students unlawfully absent are considered truant:
- Missed bus
- Car trouble
- Traffic
- No parking
Upon returning to school, the student must bring a written note signed by a parent/guardian citing the date of the absence and an explanation why the student could not attend school or have previously emailed our Student Services Secretary, Jill Hack at jill_hack@hcpss.org
A student has two days from the date of the absence to bring in a note if Mrs. Wagner was never emailed the absence. If the note is received after the two-day grace period, the student will be given an unexcused pass for the absence and will remain truant.
Requesting an Early Dismissal
Please send a note to school when your child needs an early dismissal so that we can plan for the early departure with the least amount of classroom disruption.